Conversations with the Community
From local publications to worldwide coverage, Kaylee Bender has had the opportunity of connecting with some of Denver’s most influential hidden gems and national news outlets.

Voyage Denver
“I love to chase magic. While I specialize in painting and visual art, my other crafts weave themselves through the fabric of all of my art. My poetry and music help to build a complete vision of the world that I live within.“
CBS Colorado
“I just want people to know (creative) expression is critical to living a balanced life”
Hear more about Hank Aaron’s life and Kaylee’s experience creating his memorial portait.
V.C.R Creatives
Hidden Gems Volume 3
“Have some grace with yourself. It’s easy for me to get into my own head, and I think our expectations of productivity make for some pretty unnecessary and damaging stress. Meet yourself where you are at and the rest will fall into place.”